Compute a linear embedding over a TourExperiment object.

embed_linear(.data, num_comp, .on = NULL, center = TRUE,
  scale = FALSE, .subset = NULL,
  .parallel = BiocParallel::SerialParam(), .engine)

# S4 method for missing
embed_linear(.data, num_comp, .on = NULL,
  center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, .subset = NULL,
  .parallel = BiocParallel::SerialParam(), .engine)

# S4 method for BiocSingularParam
embed_linear(.data, num_comp, .on = NULL,
  center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, .subset = NULL,
  .parallel = BiocParallel::SerialParam(), .engine)



A TourExperiment() object


Number of components to retain


The named element in .data to compute the PCA (default is NULL which is the first assay in .data.


Should columns be centered? Default = TRUE


Should columns be scaled to unit variance?


Restrict linear embedding to run on a subset of rows. (Default = NULL).


A `BiocParallel::BPPARAM()`` object, default is to compute in serial.


How to compute the embedding. If missing, defaults to pca_exact().


This function is a wrapper to BiocSingular::runPCA(), with additions for computing on parts of TourExperiment object. This function always returns a TourExperiment with the reducedDim slot updated with SingleCellExperiment::LinearEmbeddingMatrix containing the sample factors, loadings, and factor data from the principal components.