Generate a new basis set via a tour

generate_bases(.data, .on = NULL, subset = NULL, clamp = FALSE,
  max_bases = 100, start = NULL, step_size = Inf,
  .engine = tourr::grand_tour())

# S4 method for ANY
generate_bases(.data, .on = NULL, subset = NULL,
  clamp = FALSE, max_bases = 100, start = NULL, step_size = Inf,
  .engine = tourr::grand_tour())

# S4 method for LinearEmbeddingMatrix
generate_bases(.data, .on = NULL,
  subset = NULL, clamp = FALSE, max_bases = 100, start = NULL,
  step_size = Inf, .engine = tourr::grand_tour())

# S4 method for TourExperiment
generate_bases(.data, .on = NULL,
  subset = NULL, clamp = FALSE, max_bases = 100, start = NULL,
  step_size = Inf, .engine = tourr::grand_tour())



a TourExperiment object or matrix-like object


Which part of .data to tour


Restrict the number of columns of toured data?


Should the columns of toured data be clamped to lie in (0,1)?


Maximum number of bases to generate


Optional starting projection for tour


Distance between each step, set to Inf which forces new basis generation


A tour path generator (defaults to tourr::grand_tour())