In fluentGenomics we explore the use of the Bioconductor packages plyranges and tximeta through integrating results from an experiment using RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data. Readers will learn how to perform genomic range based operations in a principled way using plyranges and how to cleanly import quantification and differential expression data into R using tximeta.
The fluentGenomics
package is available on Bioconductor:
# install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install('fluentGenomics')
To install fluentGenomics
from github with associated dependencies use
BiocManager::install('sa-lee/fluentGenomics', build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)
To install fluentGenomics
from Bioconductor’s devel branch use:
BiocManager::install('fluentGenomics', version = 'devel')
Once the package has been installed, you can work through the vignette directly from R/Rstudio with:
Or you can read it online here
You can use the package as course material directly with the usethis