Morphing Projections

morph_center(proj, half_range)

morph_identity(proj, half_range)

morph_radial(proj, half_range, p_eff)



a projection matrix


scale factor for projection


Effective dimensionality of reference data set, see tourr::display_sage() for details.


A matrix with dimensions the same as proj.


These functions are designed to alter the resulting projection after basis generation with the tourr and will change how the projections are animated with limn_tour() and limn_tour_link(). For morph_center() the projection is centered and then scaled by the half range, while morph_identity() only scales by half range. morph_radial() is an implemenation of the burning sage algorithm available in tourr::display_sage().


proj <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 2)
half_range <- compute_half_range(proj)
morph_center(proj, half_range)
#>              [,1]        [,2]
#>  [1,] -0.04892651 -0.43451771
#>  [2,] -0.02915757 -0.03858529
#>  [3,] -0.14311967 -0.26702241
#>  [4,] -0.21912189 -0.45454275
#>  [5,]  0.76023032  0.05175684
#>  [6,]  0.24859500  0.19001058
#>  [7,] -0.79301248  0.60920540
#>  [8,] -0.12712532  0.09763497
#>  [9,]  0.25993593  0.42904600
#> [10,]  0.09170218 -0.18298562
#> attr(,"scaled:center")
#> [1] 0.35703981 0.04173324
morph_identity(proj, half_range)
#>              [,1]        [,2]
#>  [1,]  0.12126306 -0.41462480
#>  [2,]  0.14103200 -0.01869238
#>  [3,]  0.02706990 -0.24712950
#>  [4,] -0.04893232 -0.43464983
#>  [5,]  0.93041989  0.07164975
#>  [6,]  0.41878457  0.20990350
#>  [7,] -0.62282291  0.62909831
#>  [8,]  0.04306425  0.11752788
#>  [9,]  0.43012550  0.44893891
#> [10,]  0.26189174 -0.16309270
morph_radial(proj, half_range, p_eff = 2)
#>                 x           y
#>  [1,] -0.43451771 -0.04892651
#>  [2,] -0.03858529 -0.02915757
#>  [3,] -0.26702241 -0.14311967
#>  [4,] -0.45454275 -0.21912189
#>  [5,]  0.05175684  0.76023032
#>  [6,]  0.19001058  0.24859500
#>  [7,]  0.60920540 -0.79301248
#>  [8,]  0.09763497 -0.12712532
#>  [9,]  0.42904600  0.25993593
#> [10,] -0.18298562  0.09170218